Capitalism Has No Room for Empathy

It's been a long time for us to live with capitalism. Yeah, this may not be a good start to a post. Because we have to re-read the world history. Because we have to count how many centuries we've gone through. Because capitalism is something we can't live without. 

Capitalism seems to give us a false sense of control. We think we can control everything if we have productivity tools. We think we can achieve freedom in the future if we work harder now. We think we can rule the world if we have more money and power.

We have to go through the very-very short process for maximum results. We can called it high achievment. If we fail just one day, we feel we don't deserve to live.

Life feels like a competition. We often deny this, but humans don't always love to collaborate. We must admit, we are often unhappy seeing what other people have done. We will not easily be sad when we see others unable to achieve their goals. As long as our life's fine, why think about other people's troubles?

In many companies, no one lends a hand to those who can't make as much money. Underperforming people will be rotated, as if they are being sought to see what their advantages are. Capitalists use the positive empowerment movement as a shield, to cover up the fact that life around them is purely transactional.

I pay you. You give as much as you can.

No need to get feelings involved.

"Take it or leave it" became our slogan.

But we forget, we are all only human. We can keep many feelings only for a while. We can accept not being heard as long as our sweat is paid. 

Empathy never completely leaves us. One day we will feel sad when we hear sad news. We can feel lost when someone close to us leaves. Sometimes our tears are worth more than our sweat.

But capitalism has no room for empathy. You should return as soon as possible, get lost in the market movement. Doing things we can't always manage ourselves, and feeling lonely without realizing the cause.

Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do. Except enjoying one of your comfort food. Or wearing your favorite clothes. Or driving home listening to heart-soothing songs.

There is no other way, except to survive.

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